Annual Food Drive for MUST Ministries - Pope Drama Club
Hi, Dorset Neighbors,
It's time for the annual food drive by the Pope High School Thespian Troupe!
The Pope High School Thespian Troupe #4448 is once again participating in Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat. This is a national community service program for International Thespian Society (ITS) member schools that collects canned and dry goods for local charities and food banks. All donations go to benefit MUST Ministries Food Bank. Thousands of pounds of food will be collected in one night across the state, giving organizations the ability to help thousands of local people. The Pope High School Drama club has collected food in the Dorset subdivision the past five years. The students from Pope will go through the neighborhood on the Sunday before Halloween (October 28) and leave a large brown paper bag at each house with a flyer attached explaining what to do. On Halloween Day (Wednesday) the students will come by dressed in costumes to collect the bags of food that are left outside. They will begin the food collection around 4 p.m.
Please help support this worthwhile charity event and our young civic volunteers - any food contribution you can make is appreciated and will help feed less fortunate children.
And drive carefully - the neighborhood will be filled with lots of young children on Halloween - enjoy the festivities!
Thank your for your support.